
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fiscal Crisis Threatens Vet Compensation

The latest "fiscal crisis" has once again triggered fear that veterans won't get their compensation checks from the VA. This week the President renewed those fears when he stated that "If congressional Republicans refuse to pay Americans bills on time, Social Security benefits, and veterans' checks will be delayed." He added, "We might not be able to pay our troops or honor our contract for small business owners." Once more it appears that our elected officials are willing to hold military servicemembers, veterans, and the elderly hostage to ensure they get their way. As to be expected, fear and anger spread quickly through the military and veteran communities. Read the full article on the Military Advantage.



Sean Eagan

American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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