
Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Hagel is Right for Sec. Of Defense

Sean -- 

On Monday, President Obama nominated Chuck Hagel, a decorated war hero and two-term Republican senator from Nebraska, to serve as Secretary of Defense.

Leading up to Senator Hagel's confirmation in the Senate, I wanted to make sure you knew exactly why the President nominated him for this important position. Read on, then forward this email to your friends and family to make sure they know the facts, too.

Senator Hagel enlisted in the Army and volunteered for the war in Vietnam. He served with honor alongside his own brother -- both were injured in combat, and Senator Hagel earned two Purple Hearts. To this day, Senator Hagel bears the scars and shrapnel from the battles he fought in our country's name.

Because of that, for Senator Hagel, war is not an abstraction -- it's something we only do when it is absolutely necessary. He has been and will continue to be a champion of our troops, military families, and veterans because he's one of them. Senator Hagel will be the first person of enlisted rank to serve as Secretary of Defense.

During his time in the Senate, Senator Hagel bucked his party and spoke out against the Iraq war, showing valuable judgment and independence. He's ready and able to help President Obama carry through on his commitment to end the war in Afghanistan, maintain Israel's special bond with the United States, and stand strong with our allies around the world.

At his core, Senator Hagel has always been guided by the principle that when it comes to national security, there are no Democrats or Republicans -- only people working for the good of our country.

President Obama has full confidence in Senator Hagel's ability to serve as Secretary of Defense and keep our nation safe. Former Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright and former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates have endorsed the President's choice, and are encouraging a swift confirmation.

The public debate is just getting started, so it's important that people know the facts. Forward this email and make sure your friends and family know why Chuck Hagel is the President's choice for Secretary of Defense. 



Stephanie Cutter



Sean Eagan

American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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