
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chairman Miller to Address Backlog, Vision for VA Reform

Chairman Miller to Address Backlog, Vision for VA Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C.— On Thursday, June 20, 2013, at approximately 8:00 a.m. at Charlie Palmer Steak in Washington, Chairman Jeff Miller will deliver a speech addressing the Department of Veterans Affairs disability compensation claims backlog and his vision for reforming VA at the kickoff of the Weekly Standard-Concerned Veterans for America Defend & Reform Breakfast Series.

Former VA Secretary Anthony Principi and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Sen. Richard Burr are also scheduled to speak at the event, which will include a panel discussion moderated by Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol and featuring Darin Selnick of Concerned Veterans for America, Peter Gaytan of the American Legion, Tom Tarantino of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Mark Flatten of The Washington Examiner and Stewart Hickey of AMVETS. 

Media interested in attending should request a press credential through Mary Vought (

WHO:             Chairman Jeff Miller

WHAT:          Weekly Standard-Concerned Veterans for America Defend & Reform Breakfast Series Kickoff

WHEN:          8 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. ET, Thursday, June, 20, 2013
WHERE:        Charlie Palmer Steak, 101 Constitution Avenue NW,  Washington D.C. 20001, and streaming at



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