
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Miller Responds to VA Press Release on Two Year Claim Initiative

Miller Statement on VA Two-Year-Old Claims Initiative

WASHINGTON, D.C.— House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller made the following statement regarding the Department of Veterans Affairstwo-year-old claims initiative: 

"Any progress toward eliminating the backlog is welcome news. But we cannot forget that the department is still far short of its own backlog performance benchmarks for 2013. Additionally, one can't help but question how the department was able to process most of its two-year-old claims in just 60 days. If two months was all VA needed to adjudicate these claims, why did the department let them sit for two years or longer? Furthermore, what will happen to the backlog once VA employees are taken off of mandatory overtime and returned to regular duties? Nevertheless, when it comes to evaluating VA's success in combatting the backlog, the two most important numbers are zero and 2015. In other words, this problem won't be solved unless the backlog is at zero by 2015, just as VA leaders have promised." – Rep. Jeff Miller, Chairman, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs




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