
Saturday, June 22, 2013

State Programs For Veterans Employment Assistance Making Positive Impact

This is a nice list from Curt Coy at US Dept. of Veterans Affairs listing some programs that might be of assistance to veterans seeking better employment opportunities. It looks like from this list the Southeast part of the country has led the way in this effort. Community level is always where this kind outreach seems to make greatest impact bravo to FL, GA.,LA, TX, VA !

Sean Eagan

Colleagues and Fellow Veterans,

Oftentimes, strategies that increase Veteran employment the most are shaped at the local community level.  This is one of the reasons why the Department of Veterans Affairs partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Hiring Our Heroes program.  The U.S. Chamber works with state and local Chambers and businesses to hire Veterans right in their own communities. 

There are a number of innovative State programs making a positive impact on Veteran employment.  Some examples include:

Virginia's V3 (Virginia Values Vets) Program is a partnership to certify and assist employers looking to pledge, hire and retain Veterans. 

The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) has a program to match Veterans and employers.

Employ Florida Vets developed their own online connection for Veterans and employers.

LAVETBIZ is a business initiative in Louisiana that was established to provide additional opportunities for Louisiana based Veteran (VSE) and service-connected disabled veteran (DVSE) owned small business owners when they seek work with the State of Louisiana.

Operation Workforce in Georgia provides a marketplace for jobs, resources and services for Georgia veterans.

I also attached a short summary with some additional programs that are broken down by state.

If you are aware of any innovative programs in your state, please share that information with us. The following link on the Department of Veterans Affairs website will take you to a listing of State and Territory Veterans Affairs' websites where you can view the programs and services for Veterans.  These are great examples of public and private entities coming together to make a difference for our Veterans and their families.  



Curtis L. Coy 
Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Opportunity 
Veterans Benefits Administration 
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 
Washington, DC 20420

Sent from Gmail Mobile

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