
Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Allen Gunner Kent Retires

  Allen 'Gunner' Kent

I'm retiring but I'' never stop supporting veterans

Dear Sean,

My tenure at the VFW is coming to a close. They say all good things must come to an end, and serving as Adjutant General of this fine organization has certainly been one of the best parts of my life.

But I'm not out yet. And I've always believed in leading by example.

That's why I'm taking two very important actions before I step down …

ONE: I'm becoming a monthly donor. Our Partners in Patriotism program ensures we have funds at the ready to help every veteran who turns to us. That's a charge I can get behind.

TWO: I want you to join meSean. There's no better send-off I can imagine than having you sign up with me as a monthly donor.

Become a Monthly Donor 

Monthly contributors sustain the VFW programs that do the hard work for our country's veterans … help them fight for VA benefits claims … get assistance to feed and shelter their families … and carry their voices to the Hill to battle for legislation that protects veterans of every generation.

It would mean so much to me if you would join me today.

Thank you.


Allen "Gunner" Kent

Allen "Gunner" Kent
Adjutant General
The Veterans of Foreign Wars

Sent from Gmail Mobile

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