
Sunday, August 11, 2013

HVAC Chair Miller's Statement after POTUS DAV Speech

Miller Statement Following President Obama's DAV Speech


WASHINGTON, DC – Following President Obama's speech today to the Disabled American Veterans National Convention in Orlando, Fla., Chairman Miller released the statement below.


"Although I commend President Obama for taking the time to personally address the challenges facing today's veterans, the president's speech was notable for what he didn't say. The president made no reference to the oft-cited 2015 goal the Department of Veterans Affairs has set for ending the disability compensation claims backlog, even though he is the only person with the power to make sure VA lives up to its word.  He did not pledge to ensure VA and Department of Defense cooperation in developing a joint integrated electronic health record, even though there is near universal agreement such a step would help shrink the backlog. And finally, the president did not mention a problem that is contributing to the backlog as well as an emerging pattern of preventable deaths and lapses in care at VA medical centers across the country: VA's well-documented lack accountability for failing executives. As commander-in-chief, President Obama is the only person in a position to hold DoD and VA leaders directly accountable, and his leadership and personal involvement is essential to solving these problems." – Rep. Jeff Miller, Chairman, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs






 Sean Eagan

 Life Member VFW NY Post 53
 American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
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