
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

White House Petition : VA Backlog

Dear Supporter, 

It is unacceptable that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is failing in their obligation to veterans. In recent months -- thanks to the efforts of CVA and others -- the media has finally helped expose many of the inefficient, ineffective, and stagnant methods at VA. Yet, despite this heightened awareness, the problem is still massive.  Consider this:

* Roughly 775,000 veterans currently have claims in waiting at the VA.

* Roughly 500,000 veterans currently have been waiting over 125 days for a resolution. 

To keep the pressure on VA and the White House for accountability, tomorrow at 10:30amET Concerned Veterans for America will deliver our VA reform petition -- signed by over 26,000 Americans -- to the President at the White House. If you live near Washington DC,join us! We will meet in the Southeast quadrant of Lafayette Square across from the north lawn of the White House at 10:30amET.

If you live elsewhere, you can still participate! Later in the evening veterans and volunteers from around the country will join together to make phone calls directly to veterans across the country.

Using cutting edge telephoning technology, our volunteers will patch through those veterans phone calls directly to the White House. Our efforts will afford veterans from across the country the opportunity to make their voices heard, and demand action from the President. Sign up here to make phone calls.

Tomorrow will be a great day, an opportunity for thousands of Americans to demand reform at VA and a better future for veterans. Join our nationwide effort to fix the #VABacklog, and sign up to become a CVA volunteer HERE.

For Freedom,

Pete Newsletter Signature

Pete Hegseth
CEO, Concerned Veterans for America
Army Veteran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay



 Sean Eagan

 Life Member VFW NY Post 53
 American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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