
Thursday, February 13, 2014

IAVA Legislative Action Update

Sean --

For months, veterans’ benefits have been under attack as a result of December's backroom budget deal that tried to reduce the pensions of military retirees - including disabled veterans - by 20 percent. Since then, IAVA and other veterans and military groups have worked tirelessly to demand Congress reverse the cuts.

Your voice is being heard. Yesterday, the Senate overwhelmingly voted to repeal benefit cuts for anyone who joined before January 1, 2014.

This is a big deal. It means that a retired Army Sergeant First Class (E-7) won’t have to lose $83,000 in the benefits he or she was promised. It means that veterans and their families won’t have to sacrifice more than they already have had to. While this change does not protect anyone who enlists today, this is still a big deal. Rest assured that IAVA’s advocacy team will keep pushing Congress to correct the mistake they made when they voted to cut retirement benefits in December.

The truth is that Congress should have never put our veterans in this position in the first place. Veterans and their families aren't Congress' piggy bank and they cannot balance the budget on the back of our community.

Just because this battle is over doesn’t mean the war is won. IAVA fights every single day for veterans and we can’t do it alone.

We continue to need your help. Click here to give $5 today and we can fight even harder tomorrow.

-- Tom

Tom Tarantino
Chief Policy Officer, IAVA



 Sean Eagan

 Life Member VFW NY Post 53
 American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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