
Monday, June 19, 2006

Congress Is Working on NDAA

New York Vets We Need Your Help!!!!!

I would ask New York vets (and their friends and families) to send a single-sentence message: Senator Clinton, please introduce an amendment to the 2007 NDAA to authorize a cold war medal, for the men and women who stood fast in defense of the free world. America's veterans will thank you for recognizing their service."

Time to Mobilize Cold War Vets

It is time to mobilize the drive for Cold War Service Medal in our state. The CWVA needs us to ask for senators Clinton and Schumer for support on the cold war medal. Where Hillary Clinton is concerned, everyone ask her to offer an amendment to the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2007. A letter writing,email, and phone drive needs to start now. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and anybody who will listen to do the same. Network at Amvets, Legion ect. and help get word out. Lets express to our leaders this is long overdue.

You can contact me by phone or email if you have any questions or ideas. Please feel free to report responses and letters sent so we can keep track of progress in our effort.


Sean P. Eagan

New York State Director
Cold War Veterans Association

Cold War Veterans Blog

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