
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Upstate NY Veterans We Need Your Support Now

Congress is in session tomorrow CWVM is alive in the House and we need Republican co- sponsors in the HASC. The below letter is from DR. Frank Tims.

Roy, the Cold War Victory Medal is alive and well in SEC 552 of the House version of the NDAA (H.R.5122), which will go to House-Senate conference in the weeks ahead. Thus, the House language is "the only game in town," and we have secured promises from three senators on the conference committee to stand up for us in conference, and argue to keep SEC 552, Cold War Victory Medal, in the final bill.

Senator Clinton is with us, and has been very helpful. But now the fight is in the House-Senate Conference, and she is pledged to support us in conference. We have a couple of other senators on board, but it will be the usual tough fight. DOD is making a wild cost estimate ($260 mil), which is eight times the CBO number and about 100 times what I estimate they will actually spend, given the unimpressive performance with the "certificate" program.

So we are really focusing on the House side, on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) John McHugh, whose 23rd district covers a lot of real estate in upstate (including Watertown, part of Oneida, and Plattsburgh, is a powerful member of the HASC. If we could get him to co-sponsor H.R.2568, the Cold War Victory Medal Act, it would be a giant leap forward. We already have Republican co-sponsors, including an HASC member, and McHugh could be a real hero on this one. If you know anybody in his district, please ask them to contact him ASAP and get him to co-sponsor.

Hope all is well with you, and that things are well with Andy.

Best regards,


Frank M. Tims, Ph.D.
National Legislative Director
Cold War Veterans Association .

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