
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

DU Update

Please get involved with this important legislation! Forward this e-mail to others and contact Governor Pataki so these bills can finally be signed into law! Thank you and Happy Halloween! - Joe Bello

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Dear Friends,
Today, October 30, bills S6964A and A9116B - The NY National Guard
Military Toxins Testing/Task Force Bills were sent by the leaders of the
Senate to George Pataki for either signing or vetoing within 10 days.
My Senate advisors suggest that the Governor gets bills when his office asks
for them. This might suggest the election day timing may be very
calculated.At any rate, we want a signature from Governor Pataki -
NOT a veto. Please take a minute and write an e-mail or letter to
the Governor if you have not yet.

Please call his office with support for the bill if you have already
written. The web site for information on contacting the Governor is:
Thank you for all the work you have done to getthe bill this far!!
Its implementation will provide more opportunity for raising
awareness of these dangers---more journeys on the path toward stopping
the use of radioactive and toxic substances in U.S. weapons for the health
of our soldiers and all living things.

Joan Walker-Wasylyk, NYS DU Coalition

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