
Saturday, October 28, 2006

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October 25, 2006

Dear Governor Pataki,

I am writing on behalf of the Cold War Veterans of New York State regarding the signing of New York Assembly Bill A. 9116 and State Senate Bill S. 696 which was passed by both houses in June of 2006 and provide veterans with the best testing and medical treatment for exposure to hazardous materials, especially depleted uranium (DU).

Over the last 15 Year countless serviceman serving in the Gulf and the Balkans have returned very ill with a myriad of mysterious illnesses caused by DU, petroleum, vaccinations and other environmental contaminations. These soldiers and families have suffered with auto-immune, respiratory, muscle, and nervous system symptoms as well as birth defects.

Since September 11, 2001 we have been engaged in Global War on Terror in which a large percentage of our forces have been deployed to effected regions. With at least 200,000 troops at any one time present in the theatre many for 2nd, 3rd or 4th time... In 5 years a million or more American citizen soldiers may have been exposed to these toxins.

When these young men and women return home they deserve the state of the art care that these bills provide for. Federal and State government has a duty to provide our veterans these services now.

These brave warriors have protected our freedoms, and our way of life. The least we can do is take care of them when they come home. There is no excuse for delaying this legislation any longer. They have sacrificed for us now it is time for us to pay the bill and take care of them. Freedom is not free it has many costs let us not shirk our responsibilities as a society that asked these men and women to go to war.

Please Mr. Pataki do the right thing and sign New York Assembly Bill A. 9116 and State Senate Bill S. 696 into law. New York State Veterans thank you.

Sean Eagan

Director New York State

Cold War Veterans Association

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