
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Pataki Blocking Healthcare for DU Veterans

New York State Assembly Bill 9116, introduced by Jeffrey Dinowitz, and Senate Bill 6964, introduced by Thomas Morahan, call for investigation of veterans' health problems that may be attributable to "depleted" uranium exposure. Patterned after bills Connecticut and Louisiana passed in 2005, they aim to get veterans the best testing for depleted uranium exposure. The proposed legislation will help identify troops who have been exposed to DU, clarify the effects of DU exposure, and provide treatment for returning troops who are experiencing problems because of DU exposure. The bills also set up a task force, with responsibilities to: (1) Study health effects of exposure to hazardous materials "including but not limited to depleted uranium" in military service; (2) Study health effects of exposed NY National Guard service members; (3) Initiate a health registry for vets and military personnel returning from Afghanistan, Iraq or other countries in which depleted uranium and other hazardous materials are found; (4) Develop an outreach and follow-up plan; (5) Report to service members about potential exposure and precautions recommended in combat and non-combat zones.

The bill would also guarantee eligible, honorably discharged military and reserve National Guard veterans assistance from the state director and New York adjutant general in pursuing their right to "obtaining federal treatment services, including a best practice health screening test for exposure to depleted uranium using a bioassay procedure involving sensitive methods capable of detecting depleted uranium at low levels and the use of equipment with the capacity to discriminate between different radioisotopes in naturally occurring levels of uranium and the characteristic ratio and marker for depleted uranium."Excellent background information can be found in
Elaine Klein's Letter in the May 22 Legislative Gazette.For more information contact Veterans For Peace at 212-726-0557.

The bills have been endorsed by the American Legion, and the New York State AFL-CIO, as well as Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and Military Families Speak Out.

Contact Governor George E. Pataki R-NY and ask him to sign into law combined New York State Assembly Bill
9116 and Senate Bill 6964 to give Veterans the care they deserve.

Contact Information
Web Site: Contact Via 'Web Form.'State CapitolAlbany, NY 12224Phone: (518) 474-8390Fax: (518) 474-1513Washington Office:444 N. Capitol St., NW, Ste. 301Washington 20001Phone: (202) 434-7100Fax: (202) 434-7110

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