
Monday, November 13, 2006

Check Out this Great Charity

Sponsor a Wounded Soldier through Valour-IT

Currently there is such a large need for the laptops Project Valour-IT provides that many wounded heroes requesting laptops are put on a waiting list. But for $800 you can sponsor someone on the waiting list and pay for his or her voice-activated laptop, which will make these heroes' wait much shorter.

If you choose not to personally sponsor a soldier and fund the full cost of a laptop, please donate what you can here or consider coordinating a group of people such as co-workers or a community organization to raise the funds to sponsor one or two soldiers. Alternatively, you may want to join the Wounded Card Team and write notes of encouragement to hospitalized service members..

Thank you for your generosity and support for those to whom we all owe so much...

To sponsor a wounded soldier through Valour-IT, email here

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