
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Read This Today and it Rubbed Me the Wrong Way
and I Would Like to Respond

Election Day: Warning Profanity Laced Rant Below

Looking for some deep, profound statement on the state of things? Go elsewhere,
this is my rant, and I'm telling it like it is.
And I've had a few too many shots of cheap tequila.
Tuesday November 7th 2006....The smell of ballots fill the air. Are you disenfranchised?
If you are, then you can go fuck yourself. The "state of things", our country, and
our future, are not a franchise. And if the Republican party is not what we want it to be,
we have no one to blame but ourselves. WE WHE PEOPLE!!!
put them there. And didn't bitch slap 'em.
You think the other side will be better??????
You go to the polls tomorrow and you make a mother fucking choice. But make it a wise one.
You can vote Republican, and know we have a chance for a
future...You have problems with how shit is going, then do something
about it. Biggest problem we Republicans
have is our inability to "rip 'em a new one" these days. Vote 'em in and then
make them be the Republicans this REPUBLIC deserves.
Call 'em on it.
Pissed? Not happy? Thinking of giving your precious vote to the left?
Then frankly, I think you should go fuck yourself. This isn't a joke,
there are no "points to be proved", you vote wrong, and you may be
paying the ultimate price.
I have a dream....
That all people here in America
Someday realize
We are in for the fight of our life
Political Correctness....
We invite destruction by our vote,
by our words,
by our choices.
You have a chance,
to vote;
to vote for our future,
our safety,
our children,
our very way of life.
Casting a vote for the Democrats is no better than pissing in the wind. Sit back, think about it.
Besides.. I thought all you mother fuckers were moving to Canada?

Well Jenn nice rant but the fear monger GOP has you so scared your blind to the facts that we far less safe today than we were 6 years ago or 3 years ago because of of the gang that can't shoot straight unless you count elderly Lawyers. Are we at War yes but with who? Right now we are engaged in a occupation of a country that was way down on the list of countries and groups that were a threat to us. In doing so we have inflamed anti-american sentiment in Southwest Asia and the World. You want to declare war against Islam as a whole well fine but unless that is your neo-cons plan lets deal with the mullah's with the bomb or that whack job in North Korea.

As for your call for Dems to move to Canada well where do you get off telling me or any other American to head north. I have served this country and risked my life for it. If you think those chicken hawks in office are keeping you safe your delusional.

If you want to fear something Jenn fear inept planning and foreign policy, raiding of the Treasury, fear your loss of civil rights i.e. loss of Habeus Corpus and wire tapping ect. and fear a Govt. that enriches the wealthy while taxing the middle and working classes out of existance.

Jenn you keep fearing the muslim boogeyman in your head and keep staying nice and scared they way they want you and need you to be for them to get away with shit they have pulled.
And Jenn remember this above all else:

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