
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

U.S. Defence Secretary Rumsfeld stepping down

Updated Wed. Nov. 8 2006 1:41 PM ET News Staff

U.S. President George Bush has announced that Donald Rumsfeld, the architect of an unpopular war in Iraq, is stepping down as Secretary of Defence.

He will be succeeded by former CIA director Robert Gates.

The president described the 74-year-old Rumsfeld as a "patriot" and a ''superb leader'' in a time of change, but said they both agreed it's time for "new leadership'' at the Pentagon.

There have long been calls for Rumsfeld to resign, and the midterm election that cost Republicans control of the House and possibly the Senate ratcheted up those demands.

Both Democrats and some Republicans have said the president should fire Rumsfeld and that Congress should have more involvement in the strategy for Iraq.

"The election has changed many things in Washington but it has not changed my fundamental responsibility," Bush told a White House press conference on Tuesday, "and that is to protect the American people from attack. As a commander-in-chief, I take these responsibilities seriously. So does the man who served this nation honourably for almost six years as our Secretary of Defence -- Donald Rumsfeld."

Rumsfeld gave no indication that he planned to step down in the wake of the midterm election.

Just two weeks ago, a combative Rumsfeld held a press conference at the Pentagon, accusing his critics and the media of trying to "make a little mischief" by trying to "find a little daylight between what the Iraqis say or someone in the United States says."

Rumsfeld has long held to the strategy of handing over more control to the Iraqi government, and encouraging leaders there to make political progress on reconciliation and resource sharing..........More

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