
Saturday, December 02, 2006

CWVM Legislative Update

New Cold War Medal Bills Expected

Ed, I am reliably informed that NEW legislation will be introduced in the House and Senate soon after the new Congress convenes, to authorize a Cold War Medal. The existing bills, S.1351 and HR 2568 will die at the end of this month, and the new bills will have different numbers. As soon as they are introduced, we need to be working on getting cosponsors. Meanwhile, we should hold off asking for more support for the existing bills, to avoid confusion when the new numbers are assigned. I will be sending out a list of legislative contacts as soon as planning is complete, so we can hit the ground running. Ed, could you begin working (with Paul Dudkowski) on a draft letter to the editors and to members of congress? I will forward you the materials I have to use as a guide.

Zone directors, get ready to work your house members and senators. Appoint state directors and backstop them with communication/ directions. Let's make this a concentrated and coordinated effort.

Ed, you have Missouri -- Ike Skelton will be the next chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. McCaskill is to be on the Senate Armed Services Committee. So you know what to do.

Chris, all, we need to persuade Senator Levin to allow the Cold War Medal to be included in the NDAA of 2008. For this reasson, let's concentrate on Michigan as a source of requests. Anybody with relatives or friends in Michigan, or a mailing address there, this is an opportunity we should not miss. Levin will be very important to our efforts.

Paul, Mick, Texas (Cornyn, Reyes) is muy importante! Also, forward this message to Jim Rhodes -- McCain and AZ representatives need to be contacted.
Bob, Webb and Warner, as well as your excellent contacts in the House. Webb is on record as saying the victory in the Cold War was a great achievement -- he said more than that, but I don't recall his exact words.

Okay folks, I will ask each of you to get ready and make contacts. We are going to win this one. More later, but start thinking now. And all e-mails, comments, questions, volunteering appreciated.


Frank M. Tims, Ph.D.
National Legislative Director
Cold War Veterans Association

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