
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pearl Harbor Memories

My father, Harry Karp, joined the military at 17 as he wanted to join his country. His mother had to sign for him. He served 4 years. He has vivid memories of December 7, 1941 and his video testimony is here at Google


Besides December 7, he talks about, since this is Christmas time, the Bob Hope Christmas USO Show and how funny and entertaining Mr. Hope was. Also, he remembers a touring baseball team, made up of professional baseball players and headed by Joe Dimaggio, that played a local military Pearl Harbor team. I believe he said that the major leaguers beat the local team as one of the professionals hit four home runs.

As for today, December 7, 2006, as his thier custom, my father will go to the local VFW and meet with other Pearl Harbor survivors for dinner. There are nine of them left.

Thank you, Marshall Karp, Dover, OH

I was born Dec 7th 1969 today has double meaning for me . We must never forget the Bravery of the men and women at Pearl Harbor that day and the 4 years that follwed . Then they quietly came home and built this nation and were just as productive and selfless and in peace as they had been in war. Both of my gradfathers served from North Africa to Germany during WWII. They are heroes to me they are both gone now but they will live on as they not only passed on there genes but there example of how they lived. Americas greatest generation who can argue with that . On my birthday I raise my Glass to you Harry may you and your 8 friends have a good dinner tonight and many more I hope.

Marshall hope you wouldn't mind if I if post your fathers video on the blog below. Everyone needs to remember.

Sean P. Eagan
New York State Director
Cold War Veterans Association

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CWVA NY 716-708-0505
Fax 248-708-6410

Hi Sean,

Thank you for your email and regards to my father. Please do feel free to
post the video and I will email your message to my father.

Marshall Karp

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