
Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam and His Half Brother Were Sent to the Gallows Tonight

podcast 10

podcast 11

Free Real Player

Saddam and His Half Brother Were Sent to the Gallows Tonight

Ever Since Aug 3rd 1990 when SPC Allen ran out of the Sat Com and said the 82nd was Deploying to Saudi and we spent the rest night on duty talking about Nostradamus and the beginning of WW III. With that started a long 14 months or so for me and my buddies at the 21st USAFAD in Corlu,Turkey.

Before then I had never even heard of Saddam and knew little of his country. Well needless to say that changed quickly and here we are 16 years and 4 months later he is finally gone. About damn time and good riddance to old Saddam.
What his death does in the grand scheme of these things today is so minimal. We are and will still be in Iraq for some time to come and the reality is no matter what we do from here on out Iraqis will have to determine Iraq's fate what more could we or should we do is debatable. Sooner rather than later we will have to face the fact that they are headed for civil war and misery. We can delay, prolong and other wise slow its pace but it is coming whether it starts tomorrow or 10 years from now. They will descend further into a abyss and it won't be pretty. Iraq might even become more vile and broken for a while but there will be a fight and hey you know what maybe after they have wiped enough of each other out and determined the victorious faction another Iron fisted totalitarian regime will cobble together what is left and will rule with brutal fear and torture and there will be something resembling peace. Iraq is doomed to repeat this cycle over again and there is no social engineering that can change that the sooner we realize it the better. Lets beef up the Troops go on a terrorist killing rampage and withdraw and leave the Iraqi People to their destiny whatever that might be, but I think we now know what it will most probably be. Let’s save Freedom and Democracy for people who want it.

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan E. Kiser10:29 PM

    Yeah Brother Sean,

    I remember it was like 2am and we couldn't sleep the whole night. It was a long tour there with all that going on. Hey, remember when we got a message from SETAF..."Prepare for incoming SCUD" They had sent the message to the wrong SETAF group. We were North of Iraq and they should of sent it to those South of Iraq...I wonder if that had anything to do with those SCUDs hitting Riyad? If they had sent message correctly it may have bought some time and prepared the Patriot crews.


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