
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Scary Revisionist

Anti-American Trash

Europe and the Cold War (Audio)

A discussion of Takahiko Tanaka's article International Relations in the Formation of Cold War Structure. (Click on the Discussion papers link on the left to read the article). Takahiko discusses the paper with Darius Zifonun and Jonathan Lewis. Recorded 31 May 2005. Language: English
from Centre for New European Research.

Revisionist Anti-American Trash

European revisionist history portraying Europe as poor subjugated victim by the two pronged Super Powers quest for global domination. (as if US and USSR were conspiring to rule or co-rule world together). Tanaka argues the disintegration of patriarchal society and rejection of Capitalism basically ended Cold War not the hundreds of thousands of young men and women who spent years of there lives on the line protecting them and their right to live in a nice little socialist cocoon.

Western Europe's (gallant lol) resistance and the end of patriarchal society helped end this evil global governance by USA and USSR and was a large factor in end of Cold War. Tanaka claims when fathers lost control of the family it made this kind of global governance more difficult and ultimately made the Super Powers two pronged global domination impossible as it existed structurally during the cold war.

In other words the intellectuals believe and are teaching Western European government's resistance to US policy and the breakdown of the traditional family structure there helped end the Cold War and free Western Europe from global co-rule by US and USSR. Single moms and Western Europe's resistance of US agenda freed them from Capitalism and Communism. This is what young Europeans are learning in their Universities what revisionist garbage.

Tanaka's assertion that the US and USSR co-operated to stabilize and govern the globe and were ruling the world with this fictional world wide confrontation is so far from reality it is scary.

We need to wake up in this country to the ultra European liberal socialism and what it is indoctrinating the youth with over there and you wonder why we are hated so much in Europe? This is why, it is not quite the madrassas but it is just as damaging to us in the long run.

We need to wage a campaign against these kinds of anti-American lies here and abroad. I am no right wing nut I am a Democrat, but this garbage comes from these uber socialist ideals in Western Europe and it must be dealt with. I would rather spend money fighting this kind of propaganda than I am worried about old Osama in a cave in tribal territories in Pakistan. If we keep ignoring it we will become more and more isolated in the world.

Hear it for yourself:

My Odeo Channel (odeo/a39c8658cfa552e4)
Episode 5



Missing Soldier Classified as Captured

Missing Soldier Classified as Captured An American Soldier missing in Iraq since late October probably was captured by the enemy, the Pentagon said, making official what the U.S. military there has suggested for more than a month. ...More

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