
Saturday, December 16, 2006

When it comes to the Middle East bloggers and many in mainstream media write such ignorant garbage regurgitating there own political views and call it news and commentary. Please, most of these bloviators never have been there other than "embedded" in the green zone or chasing a news story for a week or two. They fundamentally know little or nothing about the cultural nuances of the region. They make the mistake of imposing their western belief system in a place it does not apply . The US effort in Iraq typifies this narrow thinking and is the primary reason efforts there have been a disaster in my opinion as far as results and by results I mean some semblance of a govt in Iraq. Never mind a democracy how arrogant for us to think we could reverse centuries of division and hate by installing a democracy lol what a joke.

Read this power point on how to win in Anbar: this Power Point presentation.

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Army Capt. Travis Patriquin was killed on Dec 6th He wrote this Power Point presentation so even a 4th ID General could understand it. The Presentation is on how to win in Anbar Province from it is a must-see.

If more men like Travis were running policy in Iraq this insurgency wouldnt be where it is today . How many more Men like Travis can we afford to loose before we get it right over there. He was truly one of our best and brightest.

More about Travis,CST-NWS-soldier08.article,6_1_NA15_SOLDIER_S1.article

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