
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

VFW Passes Resolution to Support War in Iraq

Resolution PDF

Washington, Jan. 4, 2006 – The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. passed a national resolution yesterday to support the president and the war in Iraq as part of the larger global war on terrorism. VFW Resolution 440 also stipulates that American forces should remain in Iraq in sufficient numbers until Iraqi forces can provide security for their own nation.

The out of session move by America’s largest organization of combat veterans to support the war is meant to get the nation refocused on supporting the troops instead of armchair quarterbacking the how and why the war in Iraq began.

“You can’t support the troops without supporting their mission and the president as they work to bring security and stability to a region of the world that is the centerpiece of the war on terrorism,” said VFW Commander-in-Chief Jim Mueller, a Vietnam veteran from O’Fallon, Mo.

“Once the decision is made to commit our forces, our nation’s number one priority must be to support the troops so that they can accomplish their mission and return home to their families with their heads held high,” he said.

“Our servicemen and women recognize the importance of their mission because they are witnessing positive changes every day in the lives of the Iraqi people and the future of the Iraqi nation. They ask for nothing less than America’s unwavering support so that they can remain focused on accomplishing that mission,” he said. “To withdraw our forces prematurely would be a win for the enemy and a real threat to the rest of the Middle East and to the American homeland.”

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