
Friday, February 23, 2007

Check out our review at


cold war veterans association This Month we review the Cold War Veterans Association, it's mission, location, joining requirements and why you should be part of it. Also some pretty neat merchandise they have available for Veterans of the Cold War and otherwise.

Right off the bat let me say no you do not have to be an Air Force vet to be in the CWVA but as an Air Force vet myself I chose to display our emblem. The CWVA acts as an unified voice for Cold War vets like myself to raise issues with congress concerning our benefits and right now the association is trying to get the Cold War medal approved by congress.

So how do you qualify to be in the association? you simply have to have been in the military as active duty or reserve during the Cold War 1945-1991 and have your DD form 214 as proof of service. Civilian workers on military bases and postal workers do not qualify.

Why should you join? because the bigger the association gets the louder the voice is in the congressional ear. There is strength in numbers my friends.

Links for Cold War Vets

Cold War Veterans Association
Cold War Vet's Merchandise ( I have ordered from them myself, fast shipping! ) |

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Where do I go so signup? I served in the Navy from 1983-92 and I would like to be part of this group of patriotic Americans.


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