
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Russia & CIS

09:13 GMT, Mar 01, 2007

Cold war impossible without ideology confrontation

     MOSCOW.  March  1 (Interfax) - There will no more cold wars between
Russia and the United States, Federation Council International Affairs
Committee Chairman Mikhail Margelov told a Thursday press conference at
the Interfax main office.

"The Cold War was a confrontation between two social systems -world
socialism and world imperialism," he said. "In fact, the Cold War was a
confrontation of ideologies, and now we have no ideological
confrontation with the West, including the United States."

Russia and the United States "are set for partnership," he said,
referring to the response to international terrorism, nuclear non-
proliferation and economic globalization.

As for the recent statements by U.S. politicians and officials,
including a report by National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell who
predicted growing antagonism with Russia, Margelov said McConnell might
have been seeking increased financing.

"Obviously, American law enforcement officers had to make their
presentation colorful for gaining funds they requested," Margelov said.

He added that an Iranian parliamentary delegation will visit Moscow
this year. While visiting Iran on February 18-21, Margelov discussed a
possible Iranian visit of Dagestani President Mukhu Aliyev.

te hg


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