
Friday, May 25, 2007

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind my fellow citizens that Memorial Day weekend means more than a family barbecue, a trip to the shore or taking advantage of the usual sales that will be offered.

Memorial Day is meant for us all to remember the sacrifice that our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have made to preserve the freedom and democracy that we enjoy today.

Were it not for the men and women who willingly gave their very lives to secure the freedom that currently exists in America, we may very well not have the ability to engage in the activities that have come to be part of the Memorial Day weekend.

Many ceremonies will be conducted during this period to remember those who have paid the ultimate price for the greatest democracy yet devised, and I encourage all New Jerseyans to attend their local ceremonies as a visible way of remembering those who gave their all and to let those men and women presently engaged in combat know that America supports its troops and shall never forget its fallen heroes.

Charles "Chuck" Robbins

N.J. State Commander

The American Legion

Originally published May 23, 2007

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