
Friday, June 29, 2007


(TRENTON) - Assemblymen Jack Conners and Mims Hackett, Jr., recently introduced legislation to recognize the service and enduring sacrifices of the men and women who served in the U.S. military during the Cold War era.

Under the measure (A-4366), the New Jersey Department of Military and Veteran Affairs would issue certificates of honor to Cold War veterans who are state residents or were residents on the date they commenced service with the U.S. Armed Forces. The bill covers Cold War service between September 2, 1945 and December 26, 1991.

To qualify, veterans should have been honorably discharged after completing at least 180 days of active service during the Cold War. Certificates also may be awarded to deceased veterans or military personnel missing in action during the Cold War era.

"The Cold War was a long and arduous struggle between the forces of freedom and democracy led by the United States and the forces of communism led by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)," said Conners (D-Camden), a veteran and chairman of the Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs Committee. "Tens of thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines and air force personnel - Cold War veterans - underwent tremendous hardship and struggle to protect the freedom and democracy we have today. This measure honors their immeasurable sacrifice and contribution."

"Scores of men and women in our armed forces paid with their lives to safeguard our democratic rights. They had a defining role in changing world history," said Hackett (D-Essex). "The Cold War, which started after World War II, resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union, the weakening of the forces of communism and strengthening of the forces of democracy. This measure recognizes the contribution of our veterans in shaping the destiny of nations and the fate of humanity."


Assemblyman Conners(856) 461-3997

Assemblyman Hackett(973) 762-1886

Gita Bajaj (609) 292-7065

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