
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Message from DVI


Disabled Veterans International given bogus and fraudulent audit by Citizen’s Tax Service 3724 Williston Road Woodville Mall suite # 950 that caused the DVI not to meet requirements for VA accreditation and Combined Federal Campaign funding so far.

This information was found out when the DVI application for VA accreditation, which an audit was required with the Department of Veterans Affairs, was rejected due to failed audit.

In the VA decision they stated it was the worst audit they ever seen the DVI hired and paid a fee of 3,ooo dollars to have this professional audit.

The DVI was referred to Citizens Tax service and informed they were the best by officials in Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur 9th district of Ohio Mr. Dan Foote. He spoke to our CEO and Founder who is a member of one of America’s Founding Families Mr. Steven T. Banneker Burden.

Mr. Foote referred Mr. Banneker to Dave McPherson & Pat Walsh Citizens Tax Service they require Mr. Banneker to deposit 3,000 dollars for the fee in advance to a bank account in Toledo it was transferred by International Bank transfer directly to the specified account given from Pat Walsh Citizens tax service.

Now Congresswoman Kapturs office refuses to help the DVI in getting to the bottom of their referral of citizens Tax service and why the DVI was defrauded on this important issue we have with the VA.

The DVI calls on all our viewers and members & fellow Veterans organization’s to call Congresswoman Kapturs office 419-259-7500 and ask for an explanation.
Mr. Banneker Burden has made statements and as well as others in the organization Mr. Foote assured our Founder that they would get the job done because he personally knows both Dave & Pat from citizens. He stated to Mr. Banneker Burden in numerous telephone conversations but instead has caused the DVI needed funding and our accreditation until the issue is cleared up in court.

Many people feel that this was and intentional malicious attempt to cause the ruin of the DVI because the DVI opened people’s minds and hearts and helped bring change, which the DVI is Internationally known to promote.

The DVI is because of this fraud we are short on funding and we call on our members and viewers to donate to the DVI to help us with any legal costs caused by this referral to this very questionable Company.

We Call upon Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur to show her sincerity towards Veterans and find out why members of Citizens tax service her office referred us to can submit to the DVI & audit unworthy of the paper its written on for us to turn into the Dept. of Veterans Affairs on the very nature of the existence of the DVI & our members & viewers. And we believe we should be granted DVI be granted our VA accreditation we would have made if not for this fraud by citizen Tax service and their employees

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