
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Several Thousand Turkish Troops Invade Iraq Today Chasing PKK Rebels.

From :
Wednesday on The Ed Schultz Show!Click here to listen to Big Eddie's opening news that the Turks have invaded Iraq and breaks down the Republican debate.

Download MP3

I wrote this last week in response to Sec. Gates Warning Ankara not to Invade last week:

(Looks Like Turkish troops went into Iraq Today)

May 30th, 2007

Turkey is waiting in the wings for the Iraqi Govt. to crumble or splinter and they will move into Northern Iraq tal afar and beyond. With no doubt in my mind. They will wait until they have the guise of humanitarianism but they will move into Kurdish Iraq and continue a campaign against PKK. Who will stop them they have the largest Army in Southwest Asia well armed with U.S. and Isreali weapons . It would be disaster for the Kurds but maybe not so bad for our interests as a buffer from full blown Iranian domination. That is of course if we start to withdraw .

Sean Eagan

Cold War Veterans

AssociationNortheast Director

Looks like the Turks will no longer wait .

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