
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cold War Veterans News for August 2007

CWVA Chairman’s Contest Announcement

The CWVA is considering changing the organization's logo. As part of this reconsideration, we are having a contest and EVERYONE is invited to participate.

We invite all members -- as well as their friends and family members -- to submit CWVA logo suggestions in the form of a graphic (e.g., as either an attached graphic to an email or as a drawing on a sheet of paper mailed to the address below).

The top three candidates will win a prize from the CWVA catalogue!

The following limitations apply to a submitted logo:

(1) It must reflect the global nature of the Cold War conflict (i.e., it cannot be theater-specific nor can it ignore the service of all allied countries whose contribution is recognized by our global membership).

(2) It must reflect the service of all branches of the military.

Please submit your suggested logos to (one or both of) the following:

Cold War Veterans Association

P.O. Box 13042

Overland Park, KS 66282-3042

Cold War Remembrance - Washington, DC May 1, 2007

We held a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on May 1 honoring the memory of those killed, captured, or lost on missions during the Cold War. It is not generally known that many men and women died protecting the United States from 1946-91 at remote outposts and during missions at sea and in the air. Often, these missions were carried out in secret at the time, and only years later were the facts disclosed – and their memory forgotten except by close friends and family. So far, 14 states have proclaimed May 1 Cold War Victory Day, and the State of Virginia has declared May 1 Cold War Victory Day in perpetuity.

House Joint Resolution No. 184

Designating May 1, in 2006 and in each succeeding year, as Cold War Victory Day in Virginia. (Passed by the House of Delegates and Agreed to by the Virginia Senate, )

We were determined to honor the memory of these brave men and women, and selected May 1 (Cold War Victory Day) as the date to formally visit Arlington Cemetery and place flags and flowers at their graves. There are significant numbers of Cold War casualties buried at Arlington. We had a commitment from the press to cover this event, and had high visibility. We invited Members of Congress and officials from the White House and Defense Department, as well as the press.

We were able to purchase silk roses (one for each grave), and had a preliminary estimate of between 30 and 50 roses. Because many bodies of Cold War casualties were not recovered, we placed a rose and a flag at suitable memorials in the Cemetery. Many of our national officers attended and participated.

Frank M. Tims, Ph.D.

National Legislative Director

Cold War Veterans Association

6372 Palma del Mar. Blvd. #508

St. Petersburg, FL 33715

CWVA Presents Wreath on Memorial Day 2007

On May 28, 2007, the Cold War Veterans Association was honored to have members Nils Parr and Richard Isaac represent the CWVA as part of the National Ceremonies commemorating Memorial Day in Washington D.C., at the Tomb of the Unknowns. Richard Isaac presents the CWVA wreath to the honor guard representative below.

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Cold War Veterans Association (CWVA)

Legislative Update - June 25, 2007

In the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the House is a provision, SEC 556 COLD WAR VICTORY MEDAL. The Senate version does not include a Cold War Medal, but S.1097 "The Cold War Medal Act of 2007" is very much alive, and our greatest need is for enough cosponsors to show that it is the will of the Senate (and yes, I did deliver all the letters to Senators while I was at the Capitol - thanks to all of you who wrote).

The best insurance we can get is to get cosponsors and pledges of strong support from our senators. Each of you has to try and get your two senators to cosponsor S.1097. We have to take all of these options seriously at this time. I will handle option 1, trust me on this. Sean is getting the petition bound for presentation to SECDEF Gates' office. I have sent a message to DOD through one channel and am working on another, so I am asking all of you to work on your senators NOW.

Debate on the NDAA in the Senate will likely take place in July, since the immigration bill is front and center at this time. So we have a window of perhaps 2 weeks to push for Senate action on S.1097, and demonstrate that this legislation has enough support that a Cold War Medal can emerge in the 2008 NDAA.

Trust me on this, I am also in communication with DOD asking them to support a Cold War Medal, but we really need two cosponsors from each state to get this thing moving. Clinton and Collins (Democrat and Republican, respectively) are sponsors of S.1097. NOW, we need Snowe and Schumer (NY), Martinez and Nelson (FL), Chambliss and Isakson (GA), Inouye and Akaka (HI), Warner and Webb (VA), and ALL THE OTHER SENATORS to sign on as cosponsors of S.1097. If we can show solid support for S.1097 - or for a floor amendment in the Senate - we can win this time. The only way to get 2 senators per state is for those who live in those states to e-mail, telephone, fax, and ask, ask, ask, urge, point out how important this is, that it has been repeatedly introduced in Congress since 1997 and now is the time to show support.

Tell them the certificate is inadequate, and about to be discontinued anyway (sunsets 2008). Point out that a single day of civilian service during the Cold War earns the certificate, and the men and women who protected America in uniform deserve more than a piece of paper.

Now, many will say "I support," but we need hard strong support -- co sponsorship. If there are enough cosponsors for S.1097, we may be able to get a floor amendment in the Senate during debate of the NDAA - think what that will mean!!!

Let's Work On Cosponsors For S.1097, The Cold War Medal Act Of 2007. Let's Get Solid Support In The Senate!!!

Frank Tims, Legislative Director, CWVA

CWVA Quartermaster Special Offer

Get a regularly priced $8.00 Mousepad of any of our designs FREE when you place a $50.00 order.

This offer is good until further notice.

Chuck Rysticken, Imperial Designs, CWVA Quartermaster

CWVA Membership Director Announcement

I am in the process of developing an association newsletter. This newsletter will be sent to all members of the association, via email, and/or snail mail. The newsletter will be monthly beginning January 1, 2008. I have been trying to get it up and running for since May, but it just didn't happen. I will be sending out a format for approval to the leadership committee, along with solicitations for contributions. I will expect contributions from CWVA leadership regarding Association business as well as zone specific activities, etc. No one will be exempt. Listed below are the proposed headers for the columns that will be a regular occurrence in the newsletter.

Message from the Chairman -

From the Hill -

Membership -

PR News -

Chaplain's Corner -

News from the Zone – (each Zone Director providing synopsis of what has been happening in their zone and what's coming up).

Member's Mailbag -

Old Business/New Business -

New Members/Chapters Welcome Page -

Member/Chapter Recognition Page -

VA News

Please feel free to make suggestions for additional topic areas, or changes to the topic areas. I would like to also make a space available for members to contribute articles, poetry, songs, stories, etc.

Please respond to me via personal email at, with questions, concerns, and/or contributions.

Lloydene Fay Hill, National Membership Director, Pacific Zone Director, CWVA

CWVA Public Affairs Cold War Song in Development Stages

Wendell Austin of Winn, Maine, Peace and Freedom Music, is in the process of writing a Cold War Song. A copy of the lyrics to the song can be downloaded at

CWVA Public Affairs Director, Sean Eagan indicated that Mr. Austin, hopes to begin recording the song in September.

For more information, questions, concerns or input, please contact CWVA Public Affairs Director, Sean Eagan at

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