
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Vietnam Wall Defaced
The Wall: $ 1,000 CASH For Information
Gathering of Eagles

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----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Combat Helicopter Pilots Association
Date: Sep 11, 2007 9:47 AM

Smitty is a friend of ours in Washington D.C. ...

Please Repost!

It is absolutely disgusting that someone would do this!!!

And whoever did this -- for the rest of their miserable lives it is hoped that they live with the shame of knowing they tarnished a memorial to 58,256 heroes.

Thank You --

-Your Friends at CHPA.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: LoriDarlin'
Date: Sep 11, 2007 7:17 AM

This is from my buddy Smitty. As you can see he is offering a $1000 reward.

Please Repost. Thank you.

And whoever did this ... God have mercy on your sorry ass, because the rest of us won't!


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: Sep 11, 2007 12:52 AM

During the night time hours of September 7th, 2006 some unknown person or persons damaged the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. by splashing some type of petroleum based liquid on the panels and marble at the base of the Wall causing permanent damage.

This unknown liquid etched the polished portion of the marble and made it hard to read some of the names. On Sept. 10th National Park Service had someone come in with a pressure washer and attempt to remove this unknown liquid. That may have been cleaned off but the damage is there permanently. Approximately 20 panels were damaged.

I will personally pay a cash reward of $ 1,000 for information that confirms the identity of the person or persons responsible for this vandalism.

I can not prove it but I believe this to have been done by the same anti-war crowd that spray painted anti-war graffiti on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building and spit on a wounded soldier who was on crutches due to loosing a leg in Iraq to an IED.

These are the same people that have a big protest and march planned for this Saturday in Washington (check out Gathering of Eagles for more information).

There were some among this crowd that attempted to deface the Memorial last March but were caught with cans of spray paint and arrested by Park Police. Please repost this.

My space reaches millions of people and there is someone out there who knows the jerk who did this. I want to know who that was !

I posted pictures of some of the damage done to the Wall and you can see that by clicking on "my pics". SMITTY'S MYSPACE -- Click Here

I don't care what your politics are. I don't care what you think about the war ... NO ONE has the right to damage Memorials to the men and women that have fought and died for the freedoms these assholes take advantage of, and NO ONE has the right to spit on a defenseless wounded soldier on crutches !

If this message were to reach the coward or cowards that did this, then this message is for you "COME SPIT ON ME ... I'M NOT ON CRUTCHES AND WILL HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!"

Thanks for getting the word out!



From: Steve
Date: Sep 11, 2007 10:08 PM

The people responsible for this should be placed in a room with Veteran's for at least five minutes. They can fall down a lot in five minutes.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Cold War Service Medal
Date: Sep 11, 2007 11:51 AM
I say beat them then deport them to Gitmo!!!!!!!!!

From: Stacey Nicole
Date: Sep 11, 2007 7:56 AM

*** side note. I told my husband about this last night, and he hopes no mercy is shown to the a-- who did this. I completely agree. - stacey ***

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