
Saturday, October 27, 2007

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HOUSE-SENATE CONFERENCE on National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Because the Cold War Victory Medal was passed by the House, it must be considered in the Conference on the NDAA for 2008.

Please contact your senators IMMEDIATELY and ask them to keep the Cold War Victory Medal in the final NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT.
Call, fax, and write your senators – those in the conference include:

Akaka (HI), Bayh (IN), Byrd (WV), Chambliss (GA), Clinton (NY), Collins (ME), Corker (TN), Cornyn (TX), Dole (NC), Graham (SC), Inhofe (OK), Levin (MI), Lieberman (CT), Kennedy (MA), Martinez (FL), McCain (AZ), McCaskill (MO), Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), Pryor (AR), Reed (RI), Sessions (AL), Thune (SD), Warner (VA), and Webb (VA).

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