
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Turkish Hacker Decries U.S., Israel On Vietnam Memorial Site

Turkish-American Relations seem to be at near all time low or at least since WW1. Turks recalled their ambassador this week over non binding 1915 genocide resolution in congress (why now when our standing in region is so poor do these knuckleheads in Washington want to piss off long time allies with a senseless resolution about the nearly century old atrocities. Where has our outrage been for 93 years lol senseless .) Why the State Dept and the President for that matter did not make some phone calls to the leaders of this resolution and explain the ramifications is beyond me.

Now check out the below story.

Turkish Hacker Decries U.S., Israel On Vietnam Memorial Site

By Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 20, 2007; Page A03

A computer hacker promoting Turkish nationalism posted a video and
message on a U.S. Vietnam memorial Web site in recent days, blocking one of the site’s search functions while defacing the site with a statement
against the United States and Israel.

Users of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site -- at who searched for U.S. casualties by date
were sent to an all-red Web page adorned with a symbol from the Turkish
flag, a short video, and messages in Turkish and English. The English
messages attacked Kurds, the United States, Israel and Armenia.

According to translations, the Turkish message read: "Is there any
equal or likeness to our martyrs at Gallipoli?" It is an apparent reference
to the Battle of Gallipoli in 1915 during World War I, during which
soldiers from the Ottoman Empire repelled an Allied operation to capture
Istanbul, suffering heavy casualties of more than 250,000. The video
called it a "story written in blood."

A "Turk Defacer" took credit for the hack, which users reported
yesterday to the FBI, the National Park Service and the 4/9 Infantry Manchu
(Vietnam) Association, which maintains the site. The message was removed
and the search function restored by last night.

Jim Olberding of Ames, Iowa, said he found the message yesterday while
researching Vietnam casualties. Olberding -- a Vietnam War veteran
whose son is an Army captain with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan -- said the
message offended him. "They’re attacking American veterans," he said.

The site -- a memorial to veterans and a historical repository that
gets heavy traffic around Memorial Day and Veterans Day -- was attacked
days after the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington was defaced with
an oily substance. Officials with the 4/9 Infantry Association said they
received 200 e-mails from users alerting them to the hack. The group’s
leaders were in Memphis over the weekend to celebrate the
association’s 10th anniversary and did not know when the hack took place. The
nonprofit bought the Web site about eight years ago to ensure that it would

"These kinds of groups are opportunistic and are going to do whatever
they think they have to do to get their message out," said Cheryl
Criteser, the association’s secretary-treasurer. "I’ve gotten death threats,
I’ve gotten all kinds of negative stuff from other countries. I just
figure they’re wackos."

A spokesman for the Turkish Embassy in Washington said yesterday that
the hack did not seem to be part of an organized group.

Staff writer Jill F. Bartscht and staff researcher Julie Tate
contributed to this report.

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