
Friday, November 02, 2007

Message From IAVA for Veterans Day

Dear Sean,

Do you have plans for Veterans Day? If not, our Member Veterans have some great suggestions.

We asked our Member Veterans to tell us about local Veterans Day events in their area, and now you can search to find one near you. Or, if you already know about an event in your area - a parade, a barbecue, a celebration - you can add it to the list. We, in turn, will pass that information on to other supporters in the area.

Click here to find an event near you, or to spread the word about one in your area.

We have over a hundred events listed nationwide, including
  • A 5K run in Charlottesville, Virginia
  • An air show in Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Parades in New York, Denver, Nashville, Colorado Springs, San Diego and more

If you've never been to a Veterans Day event, I have to tell you - they are really something special. Last year I marched with IAVA Member Vets in the New York City Veterans Day Parade. The streets were lined, for thirty five blocks, with supporters cheering us on, and thanking us for our service. People put politics aside to show their appreciation for our service, and that means a lot to vets like me.

So please take a minute to find an event in your area, or to spread the word about one you're planning on attending.

On behalf of myself and veterans across the country, thank you for being involved.



Rob Timmins
Iraq Veteran
Field Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

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