
Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Hampshire American Legion Pushes for the Cold War Victory Medal

Good morning Mr. Nichols and Mr. Huntington. I wish to call your attention to, and make this issue of importance known to our Congressional Delegation of, the Cold War Victory Medal currently in the NDAA 2008 in Committee. This medal, among other things, will allow, finally, recognition of service by Congress of millions of Cold War Veterans that we think have not had the recognition deserved of such service to our Great Nation.

DOD and some confused elected officials are trying to strip this medal out of the final bill. I strongly request you pass this along to Congressman Hodes and Congresswoman Shea-Porter, utilize their collective influence and support the Cold War Victory Medal in the final version of the NDAA 2008.

Their promise during the election cycle last year was, among other things, to support our veterans and thus far, we are satisfied with that promise being kept to this point. I thank you for your time, support and attention to this matter. Feel free to contact me, and/or my good friend, Scott L'Ecuyer, as he is leading this charge vigilantly, concerning any veteran related issue, should you desire an impartial, non-partisan discourse. I am honored to represent more than 4000 American Legion Family members in this North Country as well as the many members from Committees and Boards on which I serve around the State.

Most respectfully,
William J Cowie
Commander District 8
American Legion
Dept of NH
Chairman Dept Leadership Committee
Vice Chair Americanism Cmt

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