
Thursday, November 08, 2007

November 8, 2007

Dear Comrades,

This Sunday, November 11th, our nation observes Veterans Day. Unlike our other patriotic holidays, this day is unique. This day and this day alone celebrates those of us who returned from service to our nation. Whether you served in a combat zone or a lonely outpost, on active duty or with the Reserves or National Guard, served on the high seas or thousands of feet above them, the only thing that mattered is when our nation needed our service and commitment, we all answered the call. We took the same oath as millions before us, without reservation. Not knowing our fate or future, we accepted the responsibilities that come with service to our nation. We are the survivors.

Upon returning home, we had lives to begin, careers to be developed and families to start. Again, feeling the need to belong and continue serving our nation and now our community, you chose to join the American Cold War Veterans. Whether it was for God and Country or as simple as helping a fellow Veteran, we chose to belong. I salute you, each and everyone. Not just for your past military service which entitles you to be called "Veteran" but for your continuing service. We are a family. Like most families, we have shared experiences that those outside the family will never know or understand.

This Sunday, walk a little taller, a little prouder. The day belongs to you. With heart felt appreciation for all you have done and continue to do, I am proud of each and every one of you and the millions of men and women who served and continue to serve. Stay well Comrades and welcome home.

Paul V. Dudkowski
ACWV, National Secretary
US Navy, 1973 to 1978
"Dedicated to the Cause"

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