
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

ACWV Who We Are

We all answered the call. Drafted or enlisted, when it was popular and when it wasn't. America needed it's guardians of freedom and we were there. Our members served around the globe for 46 years ensuring freedom would not disappear at the hands of totalitarian communist regimes. We did it at places most of the world never heard of and at locations that made routine headlines. We did it in the air, on land and at sea. We served with our active duty forces, our reserve forces, the National Guard, and the Intelligence Community. We served with conviction and honor. We served with pride. We are the AMERICAN COLD WAR VETERANS.

Because so many of those who served gone unrecognized for their service and sacrifice, the American Cold War Veterans are taking the lead in securing that long lost recognition. Many of our members participated and continue to participate with other Veteran Service Organizations to help all Veterans but felt there was a void and lack of progress in guaranteeing that Cold War Veterans were among those receiving that help and recognition. Thus, we came together and pledged our time and resources to make Cold War Veteran recognition and remembrance a priority. Where others have tried and failed to make progress for the Cold War Veteran, we dedicate ourselves to that cause.

We now stand on four guiding principles. These pillars, our foundation, are to focus on these four items. First, we will continue to push for May 1st to be a National Day of Remembrance. Second, for the unsung men and women who did their duty, a Cold War Victory Medal to show the world our commitment to world peace was worth their sacrifices. Third, a national memorial to honor the sacrifices of those who paid the ultimate price to preserve our freedom during the Cold War. Finally, we pledge to keep the memories and lessons of the Cold War in the minds of the people and eventually, to educate our youth as to the cost and sacrifices made to keep the world safe.

Our history and our future began on August 18, 2007. In Independence Missouri at the Truman Presidential Library, a group of Cold War Veterans, with a vision and a determination met for the first time. There they forged a plan. There, they took their first steps together on a journey of their own choosing. With Dr. Frank Tims being named the first Chairman of the newly formed American Cold War Veterans, the die was cast and an organization was born. Yes, the journey has just begun but together with the support of our members, we will achieve those four guiding principles. We hope that you will join us and together we will make history.

American Cold War Veterans meet at the Truman Library

On Saturday August 18th the founding meeting was held in INDEPENDENCE, Mo. - Cold War veterans from throughout the country attended a meeting creating a new veterans service organization. "The time has come for those who served during the Cold War, America's longest war; to finally be recognized for their service" said Frank Tims, Ph.D. "It is time to tell the truth about the Cold War, and to recognize its forgotten heroes." Thanks to all who attended!

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