
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has notified US President George W. Bush that Canada will end its military mission in Afghanistan if another NATO country does not put more soldiers in the dangerous south, officials say.

Spokeswoman Sandra Buckler said Mr Harper talked to Mr Bush yesterday about a report by an independent panel, which recommended last week that Canada continue its mission only if another NATO country mustered 1000 troops for Kandahar.

Mr Harper's Conservative Government is under pressure to withdraw its 2500 troops from Kandahar province, the former Taliban stronghold, after the deaths of 78 Canadian soldiers and a diplomat. The mission is set to expire in 2009 without an extension by Canadian MPs.

Ms Buckler said, "He underscored that, unless Canada was able to meet the conditions specified by the panel of additional combat troops and equipment from NATO allies, Canada's mission in Afghanistan will not be extended."

In Washington, deputy White House press secretary Tony Fratto said, "The two leaders discussed the requirements to sustain the current mission and how to ensure its continued success, including needs for additional troops and equipment.

"The President noted the deployment of 3200 additional US Marines to Afghanistan, as well as his continued commitment to work with NATO to enhance its commitment to the Afghanistan mission."

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