
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cold War Veteran in Need

I received a email and phone call from a Cold War Veteran who lives in Germany and lives on a fixed Va Disability income and has a family health crisis with his mother and needs to get stateside ASAP If any individual or VSO Post could make a small donation or donate some frequent flier miles no donation to small lets see if we can get him home. Thank you for your help. If you would like to help out please contact Steven T. Banneker Burden at

Phone: 0049-0-7131-579468


I am writing to you to ask you and Cold War veterans if you can help me my mother has terminal cancer I just found out she has stomach cancer and the doctors have given her only a year to live. I have not been home for more than 17 years I have been living here in Germany has you know. I am desperate to she her before she dies I have found a flight out of frankfurt on the 28 of march for 619 euros round trip about 1,000 dollars being disabled and living on a small disability payment from the VA I cant raise these funds to buy the ticket can you and your post or CWV national help me to see her one last time.

we have spoken several times before and I dont know what to do I contacted the American Legion here in Germany but they say because I am not a member they cant help me. This is the point Cold War veterans has been rasing only because of my service dates I am not eligible to join the legion. As a Cold War Veteran I pleading with you and your membership for help. I had your phone number but I have misplaced it I would call you but I have sent this email instead can you contact me soon any assistance would be greatly apprecated god bless. 0049-0-7131-579468 is my phone number I feel ashamed to ask but I have no other means to return home to see her before its to late.

Steven T. Banneker Burden

Founder, DVI

Director Europen Operations claims

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