
Monday, February 18, 2008

Recognizing Cold War veterans

September 4, 2007

The U.S. House has passed H.R.1585 to finally award a Cold War Medal to the millions of deserving U.S. veterans who held the line against communism from 1946-1991. This was a long, dangerous and stressful period for all who answered the call to defend freedom, and the war was won by these great American service members. Cold War veterans answered the call of our country and defended it against “all enemies both foreign and domestic.” We served with professionalism, dedication to duty and pride in our country in order to protect freedom for us and the millions of others around the world who were under the gun. Please contact our senators and ask them to press for passage of S.1097 to award this medal to the millions of deserving veterans who have never been fully recognized for what they did for us and the world.


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