
Friday, February 01, 2008

Move America Forward Supports Cold War Victory Medal

Melanie Morgan writes one of the best articles ever written on the subject of the Cold War Victory Medal and why it is such a necessity for our Govt to recognize Cold War era Veterans in this way. Map is write on point and I applaud them.


By Melanie Morgan
Our safety depends on the bravery and willingness to endure hardship freely volunteered by our military warriors. They put their lives on the line for little pay because they think America is worth protecting. They are part of a valiant American tradition that links Continental Army veterans to those who defend us now and in the future.

Our troops know that the conflict they fight will be long and will have multiple fronts. Unfortunately, Congress has just snubbed the veterans of our previous multi-generational, multi-front war. Is this a message we really want to send?

America fought and won a 45 year war with communism, but has never honored those who achieved the victory through their military service between 1946 and 1991. Prompted by efforts of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion, funding for a Cold War Victory Medal was provided in Sec.556 of the National Defense Authorization Bill. But Sec.566 was stripped it because Congress decided there was no money, just weeks before it began consideration of a questionable $150-billion economic "stimulus" bill. Honor may be the most precious thing we can possess, but conveying it to those who deserve it in medal form does not seriously affect spending.

Read the rest of this fantastic article.

MAF Home Page

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