
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

University of Texas to research traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) is accusing the VA of “gross mismanagement,

VFA News Analysis: February 11, 2008

by Jason Knobloch on Feb 11

The director of the program in the University of Texas to research traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) is accusing the VA of “gross mismanagement, waste and possible fraud” for using some of the program’s $5.4 million grant on research unrelated to TBI. If the doctor’s allegations are true, it is a troubling display of misplaced priorities by the VA at a time when the number of troops returning with TBI is skyrocketing. In other troubling news, there is yet another story of a Fort Carson soldier being deployed when he was in no condition to do so. This young man had attempted suicide and was being treated for bipolar disorder, alcoholism, paranoia, and homicidal tendencies, but was considered “borderline” enough for deployment so the brigade could meet deployable strength. The Army is also investigating a string of overdoses among soldiers assigned to Warrior Transition Units (WTUs). Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Eric Schoomaker does not have exact figures but surmises that these accidental deaths are often “a consequence of the use of multiple prescription and nonprescription medicines and alcohol.”

In more positive news, the Marine Corps is embedding mental health professionals in each regiment of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force as it deploys to Iraq. In a letter, three general have asked the Commandant to make this program permanent: “Now is the time to adjust fire…We must shift the current direction of combat/operational stress control efforts to a more holistic, nested enabling strategy that provides a sound, unified approach.” This program has a number of potential benefits: enabling marines with treatable mental wounds to stay with their units, catching problems early, and educating everyone about prevention, among others.

For the rest of today’s news, please visit the Our Troops Newsladder.

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