
Saturday, March 08, 2008

Cold War Medal in New York Passes Assembly 146-0 on March 4th 2008

This is first step but State Senator and Military and Homeland Security Committee Chairmans office has given me intel that there is no opposition and if everything proceeds as promised it should go to Gov. Patterson by June. last year the bill was shelved in favor of the Property tax exemption but things are very promising this year for favorable action in the Senate. Cross your finger a State Victory will give us precedent and in other states and possibly pressure feds to do right thing. I was impressed by the states justification for issuance of award here is how it reads:


In 1998 the United States Government recognized the contribution of
its armed forces and their sacrifices during the Cold War with a
Certificate of Recognition that had to be requested from the
Department of Defense. No federal campaign medal exists to recognize
the dedicated participation of those service members who "stood watch"
in the cause of promoting world peace and stability, and who also
participated in hundred of military exercises and operations that
occurred between the state of the Cold War on September 2, 1945 and
the end of the Cold War on December 26, 1991.

The United States Government has not authorized or recognized a Cold
War Medal dedicated to the service of these veterans who sacrificed so
much, many of whom performed actions and duties till shrouded in
secrecy so that they receive and maintain no identity as Cold War

These thousands of New York State Cold War Veterans prevented
communist world domination and nuclear war. Therefore, it is fitting
that these service members who served honorable during this era
receive proper state recognition for their efforts in the form of a
State Cold War medal.
Sean P. Eagan
ACWV Public Affairs Director

Good News Cold War Medal in New York Passes Assembly 146-0 on March 4th 2008

A05156 Summary:

BILL NO    A05156A

SAME AS Same as S 5650


COSPNSR Rivera N, Cook, Lafayette, Boyland, Pheffer, Abbate, Nolan,
Schimminger, Cusick, Rivera P

MLTSPNSR Benedetto, Canestrari, DelMonte, Farrell, Lupardo, Mayersohn, McEneny
Walker, Weisenberg

Amd S247, Mil L

Authorizes the issuance of a Cold War service medal to certain individuals.

A05156 Actions:

BILL NO    A05156A

02/12/2007 referred to veterans` affairs
04/17/2007 amend and recommit to veterans` affairs
04/17/2007 print number 5156a
05/01/2007 reported
05/03/2007 advanced to third reading cal.371
05/08/2007 passed assembly
05/08/2007 delivered to senate
01/09/2008 DIED IN SENATE
01/09/2008 ordered to third reading cal.376
03/04/2008 passed assembly
03/04/2008 delivered to senate

A05156 Votes:

BILL: A05156A DATE: 03/04/2008  MOTION:                       YEA/NAY: 146/000

Abbate Y Calhoun Y Espaill Y Hoyt Y Maisel Y Powell ER Stirpe Y
Alessi Y Camara Y Farrell Y Hyer-Sp Y Markey Y Pretlow Y Sweeney Y
Alfano Y Canestr Y Fields Y Jacobs Y Mayerso Y Quinn Y Tedisco Y
Amedore Y Carrozz Y Finch Y Jaffee Y McDonal Y Rabbitt Y Thiele Y
Arroyo Y Christe Y Fitzpat Y Jeffrie Y McDonou Y Raia Y Titone Y
Aubry Y Clark Y Gabrysz Y John Y McEneny Y Ramos Y Titus Y
Bacalle Y Cole Y Galef Y Kavanag Y McKevit Y Reilich Y Tobacco Y
Ball Y Colton Y Gantt Y Kellner Y Miller Y Reilly Y Towns Y
Barclay Y Conte Y Gianari Y Kirwan Y Millman Y Rive J ER Townsen Y
Barra Y Cook Y Giglio Y Kolb Y Molinar Y Rive N Y Walker Y
Benedet Y Crouch Y Glick Y Koon Y Morelle ER Rive PM Y Weinste Y
Benjami Y Cusick Y Gord D Y Lafayet Y Nolan Y Robinso Y Weisenb Y
Bing Y Cymbrow Y Gord TP Y Lancman Y Oaks Y Rosenth Y Weprin Y
Boyland Y DelMont Y Gottfri Y Latimer Y O`Donne Y Saladin Y Wright Y
Boyle Y Destito Y Greene Y Lavine Y O`Mara Y Sayward Y Young Y
Bradley Y Diaz LM Y Gunther Y Lentol Y Ortiz Y Scarbor Y Zebrows Y
Brennan Y Diaz R Y Hawley Y Lifton Y Parment Y Schimel Y Mr Spkr Y
Brodsky Y Dinowit Y Hayes Y Lope PD Y Paulin Y Schimmi Y
Brook-K Y Duprey Y Heastie Y Lope VJ Y Peoples Y Schroed Y
Burling Y Eddingt Y Hevesi Y Lupardo Y Peralta Y Scozzaf Y
Butler Y Englebr Y Hikind Y Magee Y Perry Y Seminer Y
Cahill Y Errigo Y Hooper Y Magnare Y Pheffer Y Spano Y

A05156 Memo:

A05156 Memo:


TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the military law, in relation to the
issuance of a Cold War medal

Purpose Or General Idea Of Bill:

This bill would allow for the recognition of the contributions of our
service men and women who served honorably during the Cold War by
authorizing and awarding a State Cold War Medal to these individuals.

Summary Of Specific Provisions:

Amends Section 247 of the military law by adding a new subdivision
1-b, which would authorize the governor to present in the name of the
Legislature of the state of New York, a military decoration, to be
known as the "Cold War Service Medal."

The medal would be awarded to any person who is a citizen of the state
of New York or was was a citizen of the state of New York while
serving in the armed forces of the United States, who served in the
United States Armed Forces during the period of time from September
second, nineteen hundred forty-five through December twenty-sixth,
nineteen hundred hundred ninety-one, commonly known as the Cold War
Era and who was honorably discharged or released under honorable
circumstances during the Cold War Era.

Amends Subdivision 4 of Section 247 of the Military Law to include
that the section shall not construed to require a recipient of the
Cold War service medal to have been a resident of the state of New
York at the time of his or her entry into the United States army, air
force, navy, marine corps, or nurses corps.


In 1988 the United States Government recognized the contribution of
its armed forces and their sacrifices during the Cold War with a
Certificate of Recognition that had to be requested from the
Department of Defense. No federal campaign medal exists to recognize
the dedicated participation of those service members who "stood watch"
in the cause of promoting world peace and stability, and who also
participated in hundred of military exercises and operations that
occurred between the state of the Cold War on September 2, 1945 and
the end of the Cold War on December 26, 1991.

The United States Government has not authorized or recognized a Cold
War Medal dedicated to the service of these veterans who sacrificed so
much, many of whom performed actions and duties till shrounded in
secrecy so that they receive and maintain no identity as Cold War

These thousands of New York State Cold War Veterans prevented
communist world domination and nuclear war. Therefore, it is fitting
that these service members who served honorable during this era
receive proper state recognition for their efforts in the form of a
State Cold War medal.

Prior Legislative History:

2006: A.10966 Ortiz Passed Assembly

Fiscal Implications For State And Local Governments:


Effective Date:

This act shall take effect on the on the one hundred twentieth day
after it shall have become a law; provided that the division of
military and naval affairs is authorized to promulgate any and all
rules and regulations and take any other measures necessary to
implement this act on its effective date on or after such date.

Sean P. Eagan
ACWV Public Affairs Director

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