
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

IAVA Bulletin

Dear Sean,

Through all the clutter of the presidential campaigns, it seems the media is starting to remember we're at war. Last week, several thousand of you signed our open letter calling on the national networks to devote more than 3% of their coverage to the war and veterans' issues. This past week, our work was covered in three major national news outlets.

Newsweek's Anna Quindlen penned a piece on our push for a new GI Bill, summing up the urgent need for the bill in three words: "Because It's Right". She writes, "The original GI Bill set the standard for innovative and audacious legislation. It was right in both senses of that word: the sensible thing to do, and the moral thing as well." You can read the rest of the article here.

In a Wall Street Journal article on veterans in the work force, IAVA's own Todd Bowers had this to say about the tough transition from military to civilian life: "They come from a lifestyle where every day they're told what to wear and what to do, and suddenly they're on their own." Here's the rest of the article.

And in the New York Times' coverage of the 4000th soldier killed in action in Iraq, they asked IAVA to weigh in on the significance of this milestone. "The 4,000th death should not be exploited in the polarized arguments about the war. Honoring the fallen is neither a pro- nor an anti-war statement. It's about respecting the sacrifice of thousands of America's sons and daughters." You can read the rest of that article here.

Thank you for helping to ensure that our troops and veterans aren't relegated to the back pages of our nation's newspapers. Your commitment has a real impact.

If you haven't already, take a minute to sign the open letter and pass it on to your friends.

Thank you for your continued support.
Paul Rieckhoff
Iraq Veteran
Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

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