
Thursday, March 13, 2008

The State of North Dakota will take possession of a Grand Forks Launch Control Facility and Launch Facility in a ceremony near Cooperstown on 8 April at 1330. I provided a list of former 321 SMW/MW members to the organization hosting the event and they may do invitations to some members. If you would like more info or would like to attend, let me know and I will provide details.

The city of Cheyenne is working to turn on of the old Atlas sites into a museum and I have also been working with them. More to come later.

The 50 years of ICBM celebration planned for Warren this year will now be in 2009 - to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first ICBM on alert.

As part of Womens History Month, Jerry White, the historian at RAF Alconbury, is looking for information on a Lt Susan Hansen; who is listed in the 501 TMW history as the wings first female GLCM combat crew member. If you can verify this fact or have any information about the first women in GLCM ops, let me know and contact Jerry at

I just was told that March is the 30th anniversary of "women missileers". The first crewmembers started Titan II training March 17, 1978. Member Col (Ret) Pat Fornes was the 1st woman to pull alerts on/about October, 1978.

Member Scott L'Ecuyer is involved with the project to get a Cold War Victory Medal - the American Cold War Veterans will meet in the Washington area April 30 and he is looking for support for the medal. You can find out more at

I recenly discovered we did not have a current link for Don Boelling's Titan web site - our web page now has the link

The March issue is almost complete and features articles about missile site construction. I expect to receive some good follow-on construction stories for a second part of this topic. or article.

Reservations for the 2008 National Meeting continue to come in fast - over half our room block has already been reserved - if you haven't made reservations and gotten your registration to us, get it done soon - the form is on the back of the newsletter and on our web page.

We are very slowly getting closer on the first missile models - I just got updated photos of both the color and white Minuteman III and expect a sample soon - I do not intend ordering any for those of you who gave me deposits until I see the finished product. Some other sources I have been recently told about include Motion Models, 1-800-866-3172, All Wood Wings
and I can't vouch for the quality of any of these.

Book updates - John Boyes "Project Emily - Thor IRBM and the RAF" is now listed on
Steve McCurdy's "The Whiteman Scenario", a work of fiction about crewmembers and maintenance at Whiteman, is available at Amazon and Target - or direct from Steve's site, which also has a video of chapter one filmed at Oscar at Whiteman at

Member Lt Gen (Ret) Al Casey and his son Patrick completed a bio of Gen Jerome O'Malley and it has been published by The Air University Press. It is available free of charge to anyone (military or civilian) active or retired from government service. It can be ordered by going to the following web site and filling out the request form. If you prefer to order by phone call (334-953-2773) It can also be downloaded.
Elections - the board is currently finalizing nominations for five board positions - we will use the email voting method that has worked well in the past - probably in mid-March.

Member SMSgt Dave Safran is trying to find out if he is the last combat targeting team member on active duty - he served at Ellsworth and then the 3901 SMES - let me know if you were a CTT member towards the end of that era and if you know of any others still on active duty. I got some feedback last month but am still looking for more

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