
Sunday, June 22, 2008

This appeared in the pharos-tribune

On April 30 and May 1, The American Cold War Veterans held their annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

Veterans from across the country, who served in the military during the Cold War, from September 1945 to December 1991 attended to discuss issues concerning all veterans, and to make plans for the coming year.

These include the continued effort to have Congress authorize and Department of Defense issue a “Cold War Victory Medal” to all those who served honorably during our country’s longest war. At the present time, there is a bill, S.1097, The Cold War Medal Act 2007, that is sitting in the Senate Armed Services Committee awaiting approval.

On May 1, the organization hosted a congressional breakfast in the Hart Senate Building. Key speaker was U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, who stressed the need to honor our veterans and remind the public the meaning and reason for the Cold War. During the meeting, Frank Tims, national director of the American Cold War Veterans, was presented with the U.S. Army “Freedom Team Salute.”

After the breakfast, we all gathered in Arlington National Cemetery to hold a memorial service, complete with color guard ringing of the bell 21 times to simulate a 21-gun salute, and buglar playing taps. During the ceremony, a slight mist was falling, which seemed very appropriate at the time, and the sun broke from behind the clouds a little later.

On completion of the ceremony, the organization separated into smaller groups and placed flowers on the graves of several Heroes of the Cold War. These brave men and women might be forgotten by the general public, said Frank Tims, but as our motto says, “We Remember.”

Looking down the road, our future goal is to have a memorial erected to honor all Cold War veterans.

We also want to reach out to all veterans, join forces with other veterans service organizations to ensure that veterans receive the proper care and aid that they deserve and to work closely with the Veterans Administration to make sure no vet is left behind.

We ask that everyone contact their elected officials and ask them to vote for passage of this bill when it reaches the Senate floor.

For more information please visit our Web site at and see our message forum at e-mail me at

Jerald Terwilliger

formerly of Logansport

Treasurer of American Cold War Veterans

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