
Monday, June 16, 2008

For Connecticut’s Veterans

On September 26 – 28, 2008, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of Connecticut will host "A Salute to all of Connecticut's Veterans" to honor America's military veterans from World War II through Iraqi Freedom. This event will educate the public about the sacrifices that American servicemen and women have made throughout history to protect the freedoms we enjoy today.

Veterans from all conflicts since 1941 will be participating to make this event rewarding and memorable for participants and visitors of all ages. Displays featuring vehicles, aircraft and artifacts from each time period – World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom – will be coordinated into a cohesive timeline with aircraft demonstrations, vehicle and equipment displays and living history encampments.

World War II will be represented by a 101st Airborne Division Encampment complete with a C-47 Troop Transport, a P-51 Mustang with a complete, WWII fighter crew display and a F4U Corsair manned by re-enactors with the VF-11 Fighter Squadron. Additional vehicles such as an M4 Sherman Tank, Half Tracks Trucks and Jeeps will also fill out the WW II scenario.

A complete M.A.S.H. Unit (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) living history display, along with a vintage rescue helicopter, will be the focal point of the Korean War display. In addition, an AD-1 Skyraider, F4U-5N Corsair and Sikorsky H-19 helicopter and other vehicles will be on display.

As a special tribute to veterans of the Cold War, the Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation's C-54 Skymaster Transport Aircraft will be available for viewing. This unique aircraft, featuring a fascinating walk through exhibit, highlights the humanitarian efforts of the Berlin Airlift.

To honor the sacrifices made during the Viet Nam War, a Marine Corps H-34 Seahorse, Bell UH-I Huey helicopters and a Cessna O-2 Forward Air Controller aircraft will be on display.

To better help the public understand Desert Storm and the ongoing Operation Iraqi Freedom, there will be military aircraft and equipment from the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces at the event. Planned displays are an M-1 Abrams Tank, a Bradley Fighting vehicle, a HH-60 Blackhawk, AH-64 Apache and CH-47 Chinook Helicopters and an A-10 Warthog.

There will also be non- military displays to include the VFW sponsored NASCAR truck.

In order to help people understand the history behind the history, veterans from each era will be available to meet with the public so they can get a first-hand account of the experience of these veterans.

A ;Kids Info Scavenger Hunt is planned to encourage children to learn at the event. There will also be helicopter and C-47 rides available to those who would like to get a better understanding of what our brave veterans experienced while serving our country, musical entertainment and a skydiving team jumping in each day..

The VFW Veterans Salute will be an important event for the entire State of Connecticut and is expected to be one of the highlights of the year and any proceeds that the VFW receives from this three-day event will go directly to assisting needy veterans and their families in the State of Connecticut.

Learn more at

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the general chairman, Ron (Rusko) Rusakiewicz at (860) 721-5941or e-mail

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