
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A Governor has placed a few sheckles above honoring American Veterans.

Veterans service is not worth 7 dollars according to New York Governor Paterson

Today N.Y. State Governor David Paterson vetoed the NY CWSM bill A05156 . We got it through the Senate and Assembly unanimously and our new Governor vetoed it.

Just today he signed 137 bills into law but somehow of all the billions of state dollars spent the Governor felt the honoring of those who stopped the spread of Communism from 1945-91 were not worth the 7 dollars a piece. ($18 Million was the fabricated and inflated figure quoted by the Governor) .

I do not often ask people to repost bulletins/blog and to message friends but responding to this slap in the face quickly is of utmost importance. Please urge your friends to call, fax and write Governor Paterson and ask him why he felt the need to disrespect those who served and the 273 State Lawmakers who have voted for the CWSM with 0 voting against it. Dishonored for the sake of a few dollars in a state that has the highest tax rate per capita in the nation.

Please repost and let Governor Paterson know you can’t put a price tag on what these veterans have given our state and this country.

David A. Paterson
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224


To Email The Governor:
Click here to email the Governor.

Sean P. Eagan

ACWV Public Affairs Director

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