
Friday, July 11, 2008

IAVA Thanks Senators Jim Webb (D-VA) and Chuck Hagel (R-NE) For Sponsorship of the GI Bill

Dear Sean,

28,000 petition signatures.

32,000 letters and thousands of calls to Congress.

With your help, we made history. When the GI Bill was signed into law by President Bush at the end of June, we hope you took pride in the fact that you contributed to this remarkable victory.

Two of the main co-sponsors of the legislation, Senators Jim Webb (D-VA) and Chuck Hagel (R-NE), want to thank you for your dedication to the cause, along with Patrick Campbell, IAVA's Legislative Director, and myself.

Take a minute to watch.

As mentioned in the video, will relaunch in the next few weeks as a comprehensive resource for veterans to learn about the new GI Bill.

This is your victory. Generations of veterans to come will benefit from the new GI Bill, thanks to your hard work. Pass this video along to your friends and family and be proud of this accomplishment.


Paul Rieckhoff
Iraq Veteran
Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

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