
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ret. Col Gail Halvorsen Recieves a Army Freedom Team Salute Commendation.

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My name is Sean Eagan, 'Chairman Elect' of American Cold War Veterans, Inc.

There was a time, not many years ago, when the threat of global domination by communism was a very REAL threat.

Many who served in the armed forces of the United States were on constant alert... and some were killed... shot down while flying secret surveillance missions over the coast of Russia or China. The North Koreans killed one of our men after seizing the USS Pueblo. Then, there was the sinking of our submarine, the Scorpion... killing a total of NINETY-NINE officers and crew. Not to mention veterans of the cold war who manned HUNDREDS of missile silos here in the Midwest.

So, our organization, American Cold War Veterans, seeks to honor all those who served in the armed forces of the United States between September 1945 to December 1991. Colonel Gail Halvorsen is not only a cold war veteran, but also a Cold War Hero.

I am here tonight to honor a giant figure in Cold War History. Ret Col Gail Halvorsen AKA The Candy Bomber

At the Dawn of the Cold War Col Halvorsen and his

cohorts practiced unofficial acts of kindness and diplomacy.

They invented 'the winning the hearts and minds'.

Col Halvorsen's humanitarianism and his “service before self” attitude has left our servicemen a legacy that has lasted right up until present day.

There fore, American Cold War Veterans Inc. nominated Colonel Halvorsen for the Army Freedom Team Commendation. Tonight, we present that commendation on behalf of American Cold War Veterans, Gen Casey Army Chief of staff, and Pete Geren, Secretary of the Army.

I would like to present Ret. Col Gail Halvorsen with a Army Freedom Team Salute Commendation.

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